Rattraper un entretien d'embauche qui s'est mal passé : mode d’emploi


Whether in person or by video conference, a job interview is often a complex exercise, and even the most experienced candidate can fail. However, even if the interview didn't go as planned, you should not give up. It is always possible to bounce back and make up for an interview that went badly. Here's how.

Bounce back during the interview

Whether it's due to stress, poor preparation or for some other reason, you might be under the impression that your job interview is not going as planned. This could be, for example, because you are stammering, because you seem unsure of yourself or because you don't know how to answer the interview questions asked by the recruiter.

If, at the end of the interview, you doubt your performance, there is still time to make up for it. Take advantage of these last few minutes to ask relevant questions, whether about the position, the future team, the company culture or the next step in the recruitment process. Make a list of questions to ask at the end of the interview and, before leaving, don't forget to thank your interviewer for his or her welcome and time. 

After the interview

If doubts and concerns about your performance arise or persist after the job interview, again, all is not lost!

The first thing to do is to send a thank you email to the recruiter, the same day or a day or two after. Then, take the opportunity to reiterate your motivation for the position and highlight your key skills and relevant experience. This email is also an opportunity to demonstrate your soft skills, including your agility, adaptability, resilience and communication skills.

Also provide feedback from the interview. Keep in mind that even if you are disappointed in your performance, it's best not to make excuses or focus on all the things that went wrong. Instead, say that you would like to discuss certain subjects of the conversation further. You could mention concrete results from a previous experience that you wanted to talk about during the interview but for which you didn't have the time. 

You can also add attachments, such as a competitive analysis, a letter of recommendation, a portfolio, or hyperlinks. By reiterating your interest in the position and highlighting your hard and soft skills, you strengthen your application and leave a good impression on the recruiter.

You didn't get the job?

Your doubts have been confirmed, and you did not get the job you were looking for. Don't let it get you too down. It's important to remember that recruiters sometimes receive hundreds of applications for a single position. Moreover, not having been recruited does not mean that you failed the interview. 

To be sure, do not hesitate to contact the recruiter. The best way is to contact them directly by phone to try to understand why you did not get the job. This call is also an opportunity to reiterate your motivation to work for this company and, if you are going through a recruitment agency, to boost your chances of being placed in another position. 

Furthermore, make sure to learn lessons from this experience in order to do better next time. Analyse your interview. What were your mistakes? Did you prepare sufficiently for the interview and did you do your homework about the company? What can you learn from this experience and improve or change? For example, if you were paralysed by stress during your interview, work on your stress management and learn to relax, especially by practicing relaxation exercises or meditation. 

Finally, this experience, however difficult, is an opportunity to learn about yourself and to adapt. Your interview may have been unsuccessful, but you can bounce back. Keep applying for other jobs and you'll soon get another interview!